- "of course the schoolschool can't even afford a bucket with nono hole in it." http://t.co/FZT6ou1aFo
- "is that what this schoolschool has done to you? you trytry to push your limits in stupidstupid ways?"
- "i lovelove making bad things."
- "michaelmichael fartfarts renderrendering sounds."
- "tell me where, tell me when, i've got my bus pass, i'm there."
- "alright, i'll see you guysguys later. have a nice life."
- "there's this park in st. louis called 'turtle park,' and it's just a bunchbunch of turtles."
- "it says that in the biblebible." "also in 'shrek.'"
- "i'm thinkthinking you might want a bigger-ass hole…oh."
- "nonot to start off with a brick in the faceface, but..."
- "i hit my faceface on that computercomputer! kind of hard, too."
- "it's a monument…TO hellhell." "where is this locatcated?" "right outside las vegas."
- "oh, sick burnburn." "that wasn't a burnburn, that was a threat."
- "it's getting hothot in here, so take off all your... cardigans and plaid shirts."
- "wanna trade? you can cut out my little things while i tend to the ass asshole."